Brooklyn, NY 10036, United States

Mon–Fri 10:00–22:00

Sat–Sun 11:00–20:00

About Us 


About Our Church


St. Peter Church is a vibrant Catholic parish located on the south edge of Midtown Brooklin at 56th and Ferdinant Streets.


Steeped in the rich 2000 year tradition of the Catholic Church, for more than 65 years Brooklin Catholics have found a nurturing faith home at St. Peter.  Thank you for finding us online and a special welcome to young adults searching for a faith home.

Follow with us

Whether you are an active parishioner, a visitor from out of town, someone looking to come home to the Catholic Church, or someone seeking God and answers to the questions of daily life, we invite you to come and be a part of our growing parish family.

Our Mission

Upcoming Event

Traditional Latin Vespers


6 May at 5:00 - 6:00 pm



st. Peter Catholic Church, 1115S 56th and Ferdinant Streets, Brooklin, NY 97214

Our Staff

“Our heart & soul is to connect people with the living & powerful God“


Andrew Fisher


Pastor of st. Peter Church

Christopher Hayes

Parochial Vicar

Jane Bobich

Parish Secretary

Paul Moelle


Marlene Kopper


Podcasts & Bulletins

Listen to Sunday homilies from our Mass

Audio Player
Audio Player
Audio Player
Audio Player

Giving is an action of worship,
affection & love for Jesus.


Making a difference